the big girl’s guide to keeping cool this summer;
First thing's first: I wear what I like. Nothing in this post should be taken as any indication that I'm bothered by my flabby upper arms, or nervous about having my thunder thighs on display. On those...
View Articlequeen of the swingers: my go ape adventure;
I'm going to open this post by asking you to step back in time - to the summer of 1993. That's me on a jungle gym on the beach in Elgin in the north of Scotland, displaying some excellent sartorial...
View Articlestaying body positive on your summer holiday;
OR: everything I thought and felt while reading Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls by Jes "The Militant" Baker in a hotel room in Sorrento and on a train to Rome in the summer of 2016. Summer holidays...
View Article2017: the year of living creatively;
If I all but predicted that 2016 would be a quiet one for me on the professional/self-development front, I guess I don't get to complain when I turned out to be right. While I don't think I was...
View Articlefreelance mondays: budgeting tips for savvier saving;
As much as I stand by my raves about flexible working, and my belief that anybody for whom it is an option should look into ways of obtaining a better work-life balance, I'm well aware that I speak...
View Articlean x-phile’s guide to vancouver in 2019;
As the filming location for a big chunk of the greatest TV series of all time, Vancouver has been on my travel wishlist since I was about 13 years old. There was no way I wouldn’t be checking out some...
View Articlemy 37 favourite things about being 37;
Lockdown birthdays might actually be the best birthdays. I drank custom cocktails from The Gate from a ridiculous Mickey Mouse Pride-themed tumbler my sister ordered. I got to see two of my best pals...
View Articleit almost killed me and i will always be thankful for it: my 2020 in music;
Back in October, Fiona Apple – whose Fetch the Bolt Cutters, released in April, captured a particular early pandemic mood – was interviewed by Emily Nussbaum for The New Yorker Festival. “I think we...
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